Sunday, 29 August 2010

29/08/10 WOD

Buy in:
400m run
10 burpees x 2
10 push ups
10 squats

AM WOD: 100 burpees for time

Jay - 6.17


Perform each exercise for max reps in 1min then rest 1min

Touch 'n' Go push ups

Will - 40
Jay - 40


Will - 2
Jay - 10


Will - 57
Jay - 58

Dynamic Lunges

Will - 60
Jay - 66

Double undies

Will - 48
Jay - 47

TOTAL: 468

Friday, 27 August 2010

27/08/10 WOD

Skill: Squat cleans

WOD: 100 kb swings for time (24kg)

(for every broken set, perform 20 touch n go push ups)

Jay - 6.42

60 - 85 - 100

Thursday, 26 August 2010

25/08/10 WOD

Buy in:
100 double unders

Skill: 5 x 10 unbroken mix grip pull ups

WOD: 30 HSPU for time

Jay - 3.17 PB

24/08/10 WOD

Buy in:
400m run
10 push ups x 2
5 dead hangs x 2
20 sit ups x 2


4 rounds
AMRAP dead hang pull ups
400m run

(Count the number of dead hang pull ups each round and time last 400m run)

Round 1: 16
Round 2: 9
Round 3: 8
Round 4: 10
Run 1.35

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

23/08/10 WOD

Skill: Back squat 5/3/1

5 x 87.5 kg
3 x 100 kg
max reps x 111.5 kg (3 reps)

Bench Press 5 rep max

WOD: 3/4 Angie

Jay - 10.30

Saturday, 21 August 2010

21/08/10 WOD

Buy in:
400m run
10 squats x 2
10 burpees x 2
10 k2E x 2

WOD: 30-25-20-15-10

Toes to bar
Wall Ball

Jay - 27.48

Notes: OMG!

20/08/10 WOD

Buy in:
400m run
10 pull ups x 2
10 squats x 2
10 burpees x 2

WOD 1:
A. 75 box jumps for time
rest 10 secs
A1. AMRAP 30 secs / 60 secs rest db push press (14kg) 5 sets
rest 10 secs
A2. 400m run for time

WOD 2:
B. 1-10 ring dip ladder for time
rest 5 minutes
B1. AMRAP 10 unbroken C2B pull ups in 5 mins
walk 200m rest
B2. 200m sprint for time

A. 2.14
A1. 133
A2. 1.09
B. 5 minutes
B1. 4 sets
B2. 27 secs

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

18/08/10 WOD

Buy in:
5 deadhang pull ups x 2
10 squats x 2
10 push ups x 2
20 sit ups x 2

Skill: 500m row

WOD: Sale Sharks

Jay - 1.38 (PB) / ?

Note: I had my score down as 1022 but I think something must have gone wrong. Maybe I did an extra round?

A1. HSPU max reps (15)
A2. 6 set of 10 sec L-sit holds

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

17/08/10 WOD

WOD: Mainsite

15 rounds of:

20 second sprint
40 second rest

Monday, 16 August 2010

16/08/10 WOD

Skill: Deadlift 1rm

WOD: 50 reps @ 65% of 1rm shoulder press in as few sets as possible

Jay - 185/9 sets

Notes: Attempted 192.5kg and I could have done it but did not as I was using pretty much all lower back to lift. I really need to work on my technique but the positive thing to take from it is that 200+ is definately in my range if I can do 185 just as a straight leg deadlift lol!

Sunday, 15 August 2010

15/08/10 WOD


For time

100 squats
30 muscle ups
100 squats

Jay - 11.54

Saturday, 14 August 2010

14/08/10 WOD

Buy in:
400m run
Joint mobs
10 double unders

WOD: OPT adapted (14/08/10)

A. 1-10 HSPU ladder
B. 10 sets of 30 unbroken double unders for time

Jay - A: 8.51
B: 11.40

Note: Started to rain like an absolute bitch during the double unders!

Thursday, 12 August 2010

12/08/10 WOD

Skill: Front Squat


WOD: 'Franpee'


Thrusters @ 40kg

Jay - 112.5kg (PB) / 6.40

Notes: I gave 115 two attempts but couldn't get up out of the bottom position. I still know I have the strength to do it though! Next time.

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

11/08/10 WOD Joel's Gym OPT shizzle

Today travelled over to Brentwood to train with Mr Joel Black

Here's what went down...

A1.Power clean - 5 touch and go reps heavy; rest 10 secs
A2. Russian KBS - 15 reps @ 32kg; rest 10 secs
A3. Bench Press - AMRAP @ 60kg; rest 3 mins

7 sets; weight must increase per set on A1

Power cleans 60/65/67/70/72.5/75/77 (all unbroken)
Bench 12 reps/12 reps/9 reps/8 reps/7 reps/5 reps/7 reps


Monday, 9 August 2010

09/08/10 WOD

Skill: Push Press


WOD: 'Angie'

Jay - 72.5kg / 25.04

Saturday, 7 August 2010

07/08/10 WOD

Buy in:
400m run
10 burpees
joint mobilisation

WOD: 'mainsite'
6 rounds for time
400m run
25 burpees

Jay - 23.50

Notes: This was painful! But I'm a bit suspicious about my time because on mainsite it's got

Graham Holmberg 21.10, Kristan Clever 22.18, Rebecca Voight 25.38, Elyse Umeda 27.00, Josh Everett 29.06 ?!?

I've just figured out why though. On mainsite it asks to set up a bar a foot above your normal reach for burpees. Jump and touch the bar for each burpee.

So alas I probably haven't beaten some of the world's fittest athletes (lol) but even without a bar to jump and touch, i still think it's an alright time :)

Thursday, 5 August 2010

05/08/10 WOD

Buy in:
10 kettle bell swings
10 shoulder press
10 push press
10 empty bar squats

Skill: Back squat

3-3-3-3-3 @100kg

WOD: 'Mary'

AMRAP 20 mins

10 pistol squats
15 pull ups

Jay - failed 110 for 3 (2 reps) / 7 rounds + 10 pistols

Notes: I don't know what was going on with my back squats today, just wasn't happening do I decided to go for 5 working sets @ 100kg.

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

04/08/10 WOD

Buy in:
Step ups 1 minute
10 squats x 2
10 push ups x 2
10 sit ups x 2

WOD: NavySeals Training

100 squats
200 squats
100 squats
100 HSPU

Jay - 16.54

03/08/10 WOD

Skill: Overhead squat & Snatch practice

WOD: 20 minutes at the top of every minute perform 2 power cleans @ 80% of 1rm

Jay - No failed reps @ 70kg

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

02/04/10 WOD

Skill: Push Press


200m run
15 burpees
20 double unders

Jay - 70kg / 5 rounds + 190m

1/08/10 WOD

Skill: C & J


AMRAP 1 minute on 1 minute off

HSPU - 15 / 6
Push Jerks - 5 / 18 (@ 70kg)
Pistols - 30 / 14
Burpees - 23 / 23
Ring dips - 17 / 23
K2E - 22 / 19

Team Jaz 2nd (Jay and Daz)

31/07/10 WOD

Skill: Deadlift




6 power cleans @ 60kg
35 double unders

Jay - 160 (PB) / 5 rounds + 6 pc