Friday, 30 April 2010

Thursday, 29 April 2010

29/04/10 WOD

Buy in:
400m run
10 pull ups x 2
10 thrusters x 2
10 push ups x 2
10 squats x 2

Skill: Goat Practice 'Snatch'


For time
50 double unders
25 pull ups
40 double unders
20 pull ups
30 double unders
15 pull ups
20 double unders
10 pull ups
10 double unders
5 pull ups

Jay - 62.5kg (PB) / 6.39

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

28/04/10 WOD

Buy in:
400m run
20 double unders
20 squats
10 pull ups

Max height box jump
1 power clean + 1 squat clean

WOD: 5 rounds of 400m run, 10 power cleans @ 60kg, 12 kettlebell swings @ 28kg

Jay - 90kg (PB) / 18.24 / 46" box jump (new gym record)

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

27/04/10 Capoeira

Sequence practice...again lol

Monday, 26 April 2010

26/04/10 WOD

Buy in:
400m run
10 pull ups x 2
10 overhead squats x 2
10 wall ball x 2
20 sit ups x 2

Skill: Snatch Balance (doubles)

WOD: 'Karace' (a combination of 'Karen' & 'Grace')

10 rounds for time of:

3 GTO (ground to overhead) @60kg

15 wall ball

Jay - 60 (double) 70 (single) / 14.23

Sunday, 25 April 2010

25/04/10 WOD

Buy in:
400m run
10 box jumps
19 burpees (+ the other 5 I did in the morning)
10 squats
10 push ups
10 pull ups
20 sit ups

Skill: Weighted dead hang pull ups then max rep kipping pull ups

WOD: 'McGhee'
AMRAP in 30 mins
- 5 deadlifts @ 125kg
- 13 push ups
- 9 box jumps

Jay - 6 @ 12kg/5 @ 16kg/4 @ 20kg/ 44 reps (PB) and gym record/ 8 rounds + 1 deadlift

Today was a real mental battle for me in the sense that during this workout I had so many thoughts going through my head I had to fight to keep them out and push through with my lifts (i.e. deadlift as this was the only exercise that was throwing up mind blocks for me). Nevertheless I made it my goal to get through the WOD and not these thoughts stop me and I achieved that. The other focus was keeping my form on the deadlifts. I've gotta say, since my injury I haven't yet made it back up to what I normally lift and 125kg felt like a bitch! Each rep was a BIG effort but it's all good training! No post workout back probs so I'll just keeping climbing the ladder step by step.

Peace in the middle east!

Saturday, 24 April 2010

24/04/10 KFM

Today I had my first keysi fighting method session and it was awesome! I learnt so much in that one session and it just seemed to fly by. Really enjoyed it and feel like I've come away with a few things that are immediately applicable to real life situations.

Friday, 23 April 2010

23/04/10 Cos Lettuce Challenge

Tonight my dinner was a pretty good zone meal I think, but as it requires you to eat A LOT of vegetables if you're using them as your carbohydrate base I gave myself the challenge of eating a whole cos lettuce!

The meal was:
1 piece of salmon (PROTEIN)
1 whole cos lettuce (CARBS)
3 tomatoes (CARBS)
5 macademia nuts (FAT)

I'm happy to say I achieved the cos lettuce challenge :D

23/04/10 WOD

Buy in:
400m run
10 pull ups x 2
20 kb swings (24kg) x 2
10 squats x 2
20 sit ups x 2

Skill: Split jerk (heaviest double)

WOD: 'Mainsite'
3 rounds for time of 15 hang power cleans (60kg) and 15 burpees

Jay - 90kg (PB) / 6.52

Today I also did my physio exercises for my back and day 22 of the 100 day burpee challenge

Thursday, 22 April 2010

22/04/10 WOD

Buy in:
400m run
10 push ups x 2
10 pull ups x 2
20 squats x 2

Skill: Overhead Squat 3-3-3-1-1 (I actually did one 5 aswell)

200m sprint
rest 2 mins
400m sprint
rest 3 mins
800m sprint
rest 4 mins
AMRAP 4 mins kettlebell swings @32kg

Jay - 70 for 5 (PB) 75 for 3 (PB) 80 for 1 (PB) / 43secs/1.31/3.06/50 reps

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

21/04/10 WOD

Buy in:
400m run
20 wallball
10 clapping push ups
20 sit ups
10 dead hang pull ups

Skill: Dead lift practice 3-3-3-1-1 (got to 140 for 1)

WOD: AMRAP 15mins
15 kettlebell swings (24kg)
10 pull ups
5 cleans @ 60kg

Jay - 5 rounds + 2 clean

Note: Also did my 20 burpees of the day. Deadlifts felt fairly good, although 140 for 1 felt tough and 145 is my 5 rep max :S So I guess more technique practice and training it is definately in order. I see physio tomorrow for a check of my lower back and hopefully that will give me a confidence boost for deadlifts :)

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

20/04/10 Crossfit Reading Strength and Power Meet

So just to remind myself for what I need to be thinking about training for, the event consists of...

1) A vehicle pull
2) A deadlift event
3) A loading event
4) A heavy medley (?)
5) A single object carry
...and another medley!

Maybe I'll get some more info nearer the time

20/04/10 Capoeira

Did sequence practice today that was so long I don't think it ever ends!
A good laugh though :)

Monday, 19 April 2010

19/04/10 WOD

My first day back at Cross-Fit Central Manchester :)
Here's what I had to welcome me...

Buy in:
500m row
10 squats x 2
10 push ups x 2
10 pull ups x 2
20 walking lunges x 2

Skill: Shoulder Press 3-3-3-3

WOD: AMRAP 10 mins 8 SDHP (40kg) 5 burpees

Jay - 57.5kg (PB) / 12 rounds + 1 SDHP

I tried 60kg on the shoulder press and got 2 reps just not the third. The third rep on 57.5 was a real gut buster! So 60 is my goal for next time and 13 rounds in that metcon.

Sunday, 18 April 2010

18/04/10 REST DAY

Rest Day

"I still need more healthy rest in order to work my best. My health is the main capital I have and I want to administer it intelligently"

- Ernest Hemingway

Saturday, 17 April 2010

17/04/10 'Modified Team Murph'

Buy in:
400m run
10 pull ups
10 squats
10 push ups
16 burpees

WOD: 'Modified Team Murph' - Me & Will

Teams of 2 must complete...

400m run
100 pull ups
200 push ups
300 squats
400m run

Rules: Both partners must run at the same time. Both people must be in before starting the bodyweight exercises. 1 person must rest while the other is working)

Time - 20.17

Friday, 16 April 2010

16/04/10 WOD

Buy in:
Cycle 5 mins
5 burpees x 2
5 ring pull ups
10 squats x 2
5 pistols x 2

WOD: 7 rounds of 5 muscle ups - 10 pistol squats (on each leg) for time

Jay - 18.44

(Right leg needs more work, felt like a had a massive knot in my glute!)

Thursday, 15 April 2010

15/04/10 WOD

Buy in:
400m run
10 push ups x 2
10 squats x 2
Burpees of the day x 14
20 walking lunges x 2

Skill: Pistol squats & parallel bar dips

WOD: 400m walking lunge for time (with 2 x 3kg dumbells)

Jay - 11.45

"This WOD is a lot meaner than it first appears!"

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

14/04/10 WOD

Buy in:
400m run
10 squats x 2
10 SDHP x 2
13 burpees

Thrusters 21-15-9 @ 42.5kg (Men's Fran Rx)
30 consecutive kettlebell swings (24kg)

"My goal is to get 30 swings in a row with the 32kg"

WOD: 'Fight Gone Bad' back yard style
5 exercises, 1 minute on each, 3 rounds (no rest between exercises, 1 min rest between rounds)

Sandbag SDHP - 27/24/24
Unders & Overs - 8/8/9
Sledgehammer swings - 38/39/40
Farmer's Walk Step Ups - 16/18/16
Box Jumps - 50/46/50

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

13/04/10 WOD


Front Squat 3-3-3-1-1

Jay - 3 @ 95 and 1 @ 102.5


Buy in:
10 double unders x 2 (broke 2 ropes)
20 walking lunges x 2
10 squats x 2

WOD: 5-4-3-2-1

5 minutes handstand push ups
4 minutes squats
3 minutes push ups
2 minutes mountain climbers
1 minute sit ups

Jay - 26/168/70/83/26 = 373

Will got PB double unders 13 reps!

Inspiration: "I'm going to show you how great I am"

Quote of the day

"One who fears failure limits his activities. Failure is only the opportunity to more intelligently begin again."

- Henry Ford

Monday, 12 April 2010

12/04/10 WOD

Buy in:
Lap of South Parks
10 pulls ups x 2
10 squats x 2
10 sit ups x 2
10 push ups x 2

Skill: Handstand max hold then 4 x 30 second holds

WOD: "Cindy"

Jay - 1.23/18 rounds


Just another article that proves crossfit style training works!

12/04/10 Crossfit Reading Strength and Power Event

I have now registered for the Crossfit Reading Strength and Power Event in June and I can't wait!

Gonna train hard and hit it hard!

11/04/10 Rest Day/COD

Rest Day

COD "Challenge of the Day"

Team 100 rope pyramid climbs with 9kg weighted bag (22ft) for time:

Me,Chris,Will: 1h22minutes

Saturday, 10 April 2010

10/04/10 WOD

Buy in:
Joint mobs
Dynamic stretching
400m run

Skill: Max Push Ups

3 rounds for time

800m run
50 spider climbers
3 burpees

Jay - 53/13.23

Friday, 9 April 2010

09/04/10 WOD

Buy in:
Rope pyramid climb
40 transverse mountain climbers x 2
10 dead hang pull ups x 2
10 close grip push ups x 2
8 burpees

Skill: Gymnastics Strength (ring push ups)
6 x 12 ring push ups

WOD: 'Squat Torment'
For time:

75 squats
5 pull ups
10 divebomber push ups
35 squats
15 toes to bar
15 squats
20 russian twists
5 squats
25 alternating split lunge jumps

Jay - 8.52

Thursday, 8 April 2010

Quote of the day

"This workout isn't tougher than you!"

- Me

08/04/10 WOD

Buy in:
Lap of the field
5 burpees x 2
10 squats x 2
20 rotational lunges x 2

Skill: Sprint training

4 x 90m sprints
active recovery jog back

WOD: '100 Burping pull ups' for time

Complete 100 burpees while at the top of every minute performing 2 pull ups before resuming burpees

Jay - Sprint times: 1)12 secs 2) 10.7 secs 3) 12 secs 4)10.9 secs / 11.28 (WOD time)

WOD 2: 30 ring rows for time

Jay - 2.56

Note: Don't try and go for max reps until fatigue, best to go submax in sets

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

07/04/10 WOD

Buy in:
100 double unders
10 push ups x 2
20 squats x 2
10 sit ups x 2
20 mountain climbers x 2

Skill: Push ups
- Push up obstacle course (unstable bases)
- 8 x 6 tri plane push ups (sagittal/frontal/transverse)

WOD: 'TABATA something else' modified

8 rounds, 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off

1) Double Unders (rope broke during 2nd round so changed to tuck jumps)
1 = 35 2 = 10 3 = 25 4 = 20 5 = 24 6 = 26 7 = 21 8 = 16
TOTAL: 151

2) Push Ups
1 = 15 2 = 13 3 = 13 4 = 7 5 = 6 6 = 8 7 = 5 8 = 7

3) Sit Ups
1 = 10 2 = 9 3 = 10 4 = 8 5 = 8 6 = 9 7 = 8 8 = 9

4) Mountain Climbers
1 = 22 2 = 21 3 = 20 4 = 20 5 = 20 6 = 13 7 = 20 8 = 21
TOTAL: 157

5) Squats
1 = 16 2 = 15 3 = 17 4 = 18 5 = 16 6 = 17 7 = 15 8 = 20
TOTAL: 134

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

06/04/10 WOD

Buy in:
400m run
Bear Crawl x 2
10 double unders x 2
10 empty bar DB thrusters x2

Skill: HSPU (3 sets of max reps)


1) AMRAP 400m run then max burpees
2) AMRAP 400m run then max DB thrusters (19kg)
3) AMRAP 400m run then max DB jump squats (19kg)

Jay - HSPU (14-10-10) PB
Burpees 24
Thrusters 36
Jump Squats 43

Monday, 5 April 2010

Quote of the day

"I certainly don't regret my experiences because without them, I couldn't imagine who or where I'd be today. Life is an amazing gift to those who have overcome great obstacles, and attitude is everything!"

- Sasha Azevedo

WOD 05/04/10

Buy in:
cycle 7 miles
10 pull ups x 2
5 burpees x 2
20 mountain climbers x 2
10 squats x 2

Skill: Dead hang pull ups 3 sets

WOD: 20 minute AMRAP

5 kipping pull ups

10 unstable bridge push ups

5 log dips

15 unstable log squats

15 tyre jumps

20 lateral jumps ("bunny hops")

Jay - 6 rounds + 5 tyre jumps

Sunday, 4 April 2010

Quote of the day

"If you always put a limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them."
- Bruce Lee

04/04/10 Rest Day


"what a drag..."

Saturday, 3 April 2010

Paleo diet

I like this vid, check it out.

Insight of the day

Training today it was raining a lot (as it has been for the past..ever) and it's very easy to perceive it as a downer from looking at all the things it stops you from doing or makes more unpleasant. But in reality it all depends on your perception, how you're going to take it. It doesn't really stop you from doing anything and as far as unpleasant goes, it will be if you think that. But I was geared up and looking forward to training I just didn't care. It actually felt quite refreshing and sort of makes you feel like your dictating what you're doing, not the weather!

Crossfit forging mental toughness baby!


WOD 03/04/10

Buy in:
400m run
10 double unders x 2
10 squats x 2
20 walking lunges x 2

Skill: Pad work ('the slip' technique)

WOD 1: Mainsite
Run 1600m
Rest 3 minutes
Run 1200m
Rest 2 minutes
Run 800m
Rest 1 minute
Run 400m

Jay - 6.43/4.50/3.17/1.24

10 minute rest

WOD 2: 21-15-9 dumbell thrusters & double unders

Jay - 2.34


Quote of the day

"No rest is worth anything except the rest that is earned"

- Jean Paul